
Ready Board "designed as required"

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Ready Board - single-phase electrical equipment shall be evenly distributed to three phases to make the calculated load of each phase as close as possible. The load of single-phase electrical equipment connected to line voltage or phase voltage is called inter line load and phase load.


1) When single-phase load and three-phase load exist at the same time, the single-phase load shall be converted into equivalent three-phase load and then added to the three-phase load.


2) In the single-phase load conversion, the calculated power is used. For the demand coefficient method, the calculated power is the required power. When the phase-to-phase load is the same electrical equipment, the equipment power can be used for calculation.


3) Within the calculation range, when the total capacity of single-phase equipment is less than 15% of the total capacity of three-phase electrical equipment, the equipment capacity is calculated according to the three-phase balanced load distribution.


4) When the asymmetric capacity of single-phase electrical equipment is greater than 15% of the total capacity of three-phase electrical equipment, the equipment capacity is calculated as three times the large phase load.

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